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JSON Forms Vue

JSONForms - More Forms. Less Code

Complex Forms in the blink of an eye

JSONForms eliminates the tedious task of writing fully-featured forms by hand by leveraging the capabilities of JSON, JSON Schema and Javascript.

Vue 2 Package

This is the JSONForms Vue 2 package which provides the necessary bindings for Vue 2. It uses JSONForms Core.


Use the json-forms component for each form you want to render.

Mandatory props:

  • data: any - the data to show
  • renderers: JsonFormsRendererRegistryEntry[] - the Vue renderer set to use

Optional props:

  • schema: JsonSchema - the data schema for the given data. Will be generated when not given.
  • uischema: UISchemaElement - the ui schema for the given data schema. Will be generated when not given.
  • cells: JsonFormsCellRendererRegistryEntry[] - the Vue cell renderer set to use
  • config: any - form-wide options. May contain default ui schema options.
  • readonly: boolean - whether all controls shall be readonly.
  • uischemas: JsonFormsUiSchemaEntry[] - registry for dynamic ui schema dispatching
  • validationMode: 'ValidateAndShow' | 'ValidateAndHide' | 'NoValidation' - the validation mode for the form
  • ajv: AJV - custom Ajv instance for the form
  • refParserOptions: RefParserOptions - configuration for ref resolving


  • change: {data: any; errors: AJVError[]} - Whenever data and/or errors change this event is emitted.


export default defineComponent({
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      // freeze renderers for performance gains
      renderers: Object.freeze(vueRenderers),
      data: {
        number: 5
      schema: {
        properties: {
          number: {
            type: 'number'
  methods: {
    onChange(event) {
      this.data = event.data;

As JSON Forms uses the Vue 3 composition API you need to add the @vue/composition-api plugin to your Vue 2 app.

import VueCompositionAPI from '@vue/composition-api'


Renderer Set

The @jsonforms/vue package offers JSON Forms Core bindings based on the composition API. These bindings handle the props given to the dispatch-renderer and use the JSON Forms Core to determine specialized inputs for many use cases like validation and rule-based visibility.

Basic control renderer example

import { ControlElement } from '@jsonforms/core';
import { defineComponent } from '@vue/composition-api';
import { rendererProps, useJsonFormsControl } from '@jsonforms/vue';

const controlRenderer = defineComponent({
  name: 'control-renderer',
  props: {
  setup(props:any) {
    return useJsonFormsControl(props);
  methods: {
    onChange(event: Event) {
        (event.target as HTMLInputElement).value
export default controlRenderer;
  • You can use the provided rendererProps factory which declares all props required for each renderer. When using Typescript you can specify a UISchemaElement type to declare that you only expect UI schema elements of that type.
  • In setup call the appropriate binding for your renderer. Here we use useJsonFormsControl which will work on any Control element and provides a control property containing calculated attributes like data, description, errors, enabled and many more. It also provides a handleChange(path,value) method with which the managed data can be updated.
  <input v-bind:value="control.data" @change="onChange" />
  <div class="error" v-if="control.errors">{{ control.errors }}</div>

This is a very simplified template for such a control. You can see how some of the control properties are bound against the input, including the handleChange method via onChange.

import {
} from '@jsonforms/core';
export const entry: JsonFormsRendererRegistryEntry = {
  renderer: controlRenderer,
  tester: rankWith(1, isControl)

It's convenient to create the JsonFormsRendererRegistryEntry within the same file as the renderer. Here it's ranked with priority 1 (higher is better) for any UI schema element which satisfies isControl.

These entries can then be collected and form the Vue renderer set handed over to the json-forms component.

Basic layout renderer example

The principle is the same as with the control example. The only difference here is the use of the provided dispatch-renderer which will determine the next renderer to use, based on its inputs.

import {
} from '@jsonforms/core';
import { defineComponent } from '@vue/composition-api';
import {
} from '@jsonforms/vue';

const layoutRenderer = defineComponent({
  name: 'layout-renderer',
  components: {
  props: {
  setup(props:any) {
    return useJsonFormsLayout(props);

export default layoutRenderer;

export const entry: JsonFormsRendererRegistryEntry = {
  renderer: layoutRenderer,
  tester: rankWith(1, isLayout)
    v-for="(element, index) in layout.uischema.elements"

dispatch renderer

The dispatch renderer is used to dispatch to the highest ranked registered renderer.

Required props are schema, uischema and path. Optional props are enabled, renderers and cells. These can be used to implement more advanced use cases like hierarchical enablement and dynamically adapted renderer / cell sets.

Available bindings

The following bindings can be used for Control elements and provide a control property and handleChange method. The useJsonFormsArrayControl additionally provides addItem, removeItems, moveUp and moveDown methods.

  • useJsonFormsControl
  • useJsonFormsControlWithDetail
  • useJsonFormsEnumControl
  • useJsonFormsOneOfEnumControl
  • useJsonFormsArrayControl
  • useJsonFormsAllOfControl
  • useJsonFormsAnyOfControl
  • useJsonFormsOneOfControl

The following bindings can be used for Layout elements and provide a layout property. useJsonFormsArrayLayout is a mix between Control and Layout as it's meant for showing array elements within a specific layout.

  • useJsonFormsLayout
  • useJsonFormsArrayLayout

The following binding can be used for any renderer. It's main use case is within dispatch renderers. The binding provides a renderer property.

  • useJsonFormsRenderer

Besides renderers JSON Forms also supports a separate cells registry. Cells are meant to be simpler as normal renderers, rendering simplified inputs to be used within more complex structures like tables. The following bindings can be used for cells and provide a cell property and handleChange method.

  • useJsonFormsDispatchCell
  • useJsonFormsCell
  • useJsonFormsEnumCell

The last binding is a special one, meant to be used within lists of master-detail controls. In contrast to all other bindings it's not meant to be registered as an own renderer or cell. The binding provides an item propery.

  • useJsonFormsMasterListItem

Custom binding

Should any of the provided bindings not completely match an intended use case, then you can create your own. When constructing a new binding you might want to access the injected raw jsonforms object and dispatch method, e.g.

import { inject } from '@vue/composition-api';

const useCustomBinding = (props) => {
  const jsonforms = inject<JsonFormsSubStates>('jsonforms');
  const dispatch = inject<Dispatch<CoreActions>>('dispatch');

  return {
    // use props, jsonforms and dispatch to construct own binding

Of course these can also be directly injected into your components, e.g.

const myComponent = defineComponent({
  inject: ['jsonforms', 'dispatch']

The injected jsonforms object is not meant to be modified directly. Instead it should be modified via the provided dispatch and by changing the props of the json-forms component.


The JSONForms project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Our current roadmap is available here.

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